Monday, March 11, 2019

What is the feature in Skelpy ??:

To those of you who might not know, Skelpy is an up-and-coming block chain ecosystem that incentivizes transparency and openness directly linked to the wallet in order to push forward the progress of financial technology in the direction of further mass adoption.
Most of you must have heard of Bitcoin and you might be wondering, how is Skelpy any different than Bitcoin?
The one that is already mentioned above, is one major difference. Whereas Bitcoin prides itself in secrecy and anonymity, Skelpy actually promotes openness and transparency. There are also a couple of features in the SkelpySystem that Bitcoin lack, some of them being tiered wallet visibility, an inbuilt market for selling and trading Skelpy as well as a ‘return passphrase’ feature for those wallet owners that may have misplaced their private key somewhere. These myriad of features are all available due to the fact that the SkelpySystem and hence the users are transparent and not shrouded in mystery.
What I would like to address today is one of the fundamental processes that Skelpy differs from Bitcoin, and that is the consensus algorithm used.
SKELPY users themselves really benefit, why? 
Because with the SKELPY payment instruments are now increasingly sophisticated, namely by using a digital wallet. In the digital wallet there is a digital token used for payment instruments.
For SKELPY users it is not easy to get the digital wallet because the data entered must be actual data, because SKELPY itself knows in detail the parties that use it, in order to prevent fraud or money laundering.

SKELPY can be accessed by all people in the world, so that by being able to be accessed by the public it is not arbitrary to do any transaction. with SKELPY all transaction security is maintained safely. so that it cannot be done arbitrarily.
This SKELPY system has two functions, namely Recovery Your Passphrase where this function is if the user cannot enter his own account, SKELPY provides that system, in order to recover his own account so that he can return to the way it was. Then the Crono Pay function, which is a function where SKELPY users who, when sending a transaction, do not have time, then by using this function system can set the time of financial delivery, so that the shipment will be automatically sent to the recipient.
In the modern era, payment instruments do not need to use cash anymore, with SKELPY, a company that creates digital wallets, we can pay using digital tokens. So the SKELPY function itself is very useful for us, namely:
  • Can transfer quickly to anyone who can be used as a means of payment other than cash or ATM
  • Having strict certified security
  • Prevent fraud in terms of payment or purchase transactions
SKELPY itself provides trust to users because it has a high level of security, where each SKELPY user will be given an identity card, a digital token for payment instruments. However, in SKELPY itself has its own requirements, namely
  • KYC
KYC is a Know You Custumer, where by using SKELPY. The party from SKELPY knows who are SKELPY users, so using SKELPY there is no fraudulent identity data.
  • AML
AML, which is Anti Money Laundering, that is by using SKELPY, cannot be used for money laundering or other fraud, so by using this, every transaction will be maintained safely.
  • CTF
CTF, namely The Counter Terrorism Financing, namely prevention of those who will carry out negative goals related to funds for terrorism. By using SKELPY it is not possible to carry out actions that can relate negatively to dealing with terrorism which can harm the State.
In SKELPY itself, users can choose access to the SKELPY which is having 3 accesses:
  1. Public, that is SKELPY users can choose the “Public” nature where self-identity data can be seen by all other SKELPY users without any confidentiality.
  2. Private SKELPY users can be confidential, where a user’s identity cannot be seen by other users, but in need to verify or agree to the user in advance to see the user’s personal data, hence privacy or confidentiality.
  3. Solo, namely SKELPY users, their identities cannot be seen by others because they are “Solo” or also called Individuals, but the use of SKELPY with the solo nature can see the identity of others.

The Skelpy Blockchain applies DPoS or Delegate Proof of Stake technology, where there are 51 nodes whose task is to keep the internet connection active and functioning during the transaction process. DPoS technology itself is the final method for guaranteeing digital net tokens by executing transaction processes and ensuring distributed management or validated / recognized transactions without the need for central authority roles. This system is an evolution of PoS or Proof of Stake that allows the involvement of all network nodes. This system was developed with the aim of reducing costs and increasing efficiency in terms of electricity consumption in the PoW or Proof of Work system, which is used by the Bitcoin digital currency. DPoS shows a strong, efficient and very reliable consensus algorithm in the blockchain network.

Because blockchain technology is decentralized, each ongoing process relies on the main or central system in its control. This system is digital and is fully run using the internet network.
The DPoS technology used by this platform was adopted from the ARK project but was not a sidechain of the project. The Skelpy Blockchain is based on a solid and tested system that will continue to be improved in order to be more functional in the future.
As mentioned earlier, this platform facilitates customers with a certified digital wallet. The Skelpy system will recognize these wallets making it possible to recognize users involved in the transaction process based on the level of authority determined by the wallet owner. Wallets are recognized as legitimate owner policies. The wallet owner can decide the visibility of his wallet.
To recognize the wallet, the user needs to send an acknowledgment request to the other intended user, unless the other user applies a “public” level of visibility which does not require an acknowledgment request. The level of visibility is divided into 3 levels, namely Public, Private, and Solo.

The profit that Blockchain users generally have is that the lack of value in each group action they create. Of course, this can be a key concern of Skelpy to make sure that each activity that takes place on its platform is economical in many ways that to facilitate transactions at a lower value. this can be influenced by its decentralization, thus it's not tied to 3rd parties within the software system. So far, if users build purchases in rescript currencies, they have an inclination to incur higher prices for the group action fees charged by every bank. This fee is definitely totally different for every kind of bank within the world. this permits Skelpy to attenuate user prices with its Blockchain technology, because it is managed centrally by a technology network.

Skelpy doesn't build relationships with third parties in each group action method, or this platform is freelance. They bank solely on subtle technology systems to handle all the bank’s tasks. Thanks to the lightness of the Blockchain system, Skelpy are often employed by each client from all walks of life. each professionals within the world and people simply debuting ought to worry, as Skelpy forever ensures that each user will access the platform anytime, anywhere. additionally, Skelpy may be a medium for safe commerce as a result of its subtle Blockchain technology, backed by a high level of security.

Not solely is Skelpy protected by Associate in Nursing coding key to safeguard the network system, it conjointly provides alternative styles of security systems that square measure specifically tailored to its users. Skelpy offers special facilities like Skelpy notecase or Skelpy notecase. In fact, this can be typically accepted by users of the Blockchain-based platform, very similar to Skelpy, wherever they're going to definitely receive a digital notecase once registering on a platform. The distinction between Skelpy Wallets and alternative styles of Digital Wallets, however, is that Skelpy Wallets are certified by SkelpySystem.

This certification is particularly necessary for users UN agency square measure forever doing varied commerce activities through on-line channels and also the Blockchain system. notecase certification guarantees a better level of security for users’ wallets, that the risk of crimes related to digital notecases that have surfaced within the community are often reduced by the presence of this certified digital wallet. Users will simply execute varied commerce transactions.

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