Saturday, June 22, 2019

Vodi X Pengembangan Masa Depan

Vodi X adalah ekosistem e-commerce terdesentralisasi yang memanfaatkan teknologi blockchain dan kontrak pintar. Ini akan dilakukan dalam dua fase, yang terdiri dari ekosistem Vodi Micro-task dan Vodi desentralisasi App (dApp). Microtask akan membuka peluang pendapatan untuk semua pengguna Vodi. Ekosistem dApp akan memungkinkan dApps dan aplikasi lain, termasuk aplikasi Vodi yang ada, untuk dihubungkan ke Vodi X; menikmati akses ke 4,5+ juta pengguna Vodi yang ada
Vodi X mengirimkan total 7.000.000 token VDXkepada anggota komunitas mereka. Daftar untuk airdrop dan selesaikan tugas sosial yang disebutkan untuk mendapatkan hingga 120 token VDX. Juga dapatkan 10 VDX untuk setiap referensi.
  • Panduan Langkah-demi-Langkah:
  • 1. Kunjungi halaman airdrop Vodi X .
  • Kirim alamat email Anda ke halaman airdrop.
  • 2 .Unduh aplikasi Vodi untuk Android / iOSdan kirimkan detail Anda ke halaman airdrop. (+30 VDX)

  • Dan isi dg CODE is: NIK533 )

  • 3 .Mengobrol dengan bot Telegram yang disebutkan di halaman airdrop dan bergabung dengan grup Telegram dan saluran Telegram mereka . (+10 VDX)
  • 5 . Tautkan akun Twitter Anda dengan halaman airdrop dan ikuti mereka di Twitter dan retweet tweet ini . (+10 VDX)
  • 6 .Seperti halaman Facebook mereka , bagikan posting ini dan kirimkan ID Facebook Anda ke halaman airdrop. (+10 VDX)
  • 7 .Tautkan akun Youtube Anda dengan halaman airdrop, berlangganan saluran Youtube mereka dan sukai video ini . (+10 VDX)
  • 8. Tautkan profil LinkedIn Anda dengan halaman airdrop, ikuti halaman LinkedInmereka dan sukai, bagikan posting ini . (+10 VDX)
  • 9 .Tautkan akun Instagram Anda ke halaman airdrop, ikuti halaman Instagrammereka dan suka posting ini . (+10 VDX)
  • 10. Tautkan halaman Reddit Anda ke halaman airdrop, berlangganan halaman Reddit mereka dan upvote posting yang disematkan . (+10 VDX)
  • 11 .Follow them on Medium and submit your Medium ID to the airdrop page. (+10 VDX)Link your KakaoTalk account with the airdrop page and join their KakaoTalk group. (+10 VDX)
  • You will get 120 VDX tokens.Also get 10 VDX from every referral who completes at least one task.

Dompet Vodi X

Vodi X Wallet akan diimplementasikan dan dioperasikan pada pertengahan Agustus dan akan memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengirim, menerima, dan mengkonversi VDX menjadi Vodi Points.

Fase 1: Vodi-Microtask

Dalam beberapa bulan mendatang, akan ada penekanan besar pada pengembangan tugas Mikro Vodi kami.
Saat ini, di aplikasi Vodi, pengguna dapat menyelesaikan tugas untuk Vodi Points (bukan VDX). Mereka dapat menggunakan titik-titik ini untuk berinteraksi dengan banyak layanan kami dalam aplikasi Vodi. Ini mencakup semuanya mulai dari isi ulang seluler, kartu eGift, paket panggilan jarak jauh, dan banyak lagi.
Peluang penghasilan saat ini akan sangat berkembang dalam beberapa minggu ke depan.
Setelah kami menerapkan peluang baru ini, kami akan fokus pada transisi pendapatan ke blockchain seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Q2 2020 dengan peluncuran resmi Vodi Micro-Task pada Q1 2020.

Fase 2: Vodi dApp

Di sini, di Vodi X, kami percaya akan menambah nilai bagi pengembang kami dengan Vodi dApp . Pengembang akan mengalami pembayaran real-time serta kemampuan untuk menghubungkan aplikasi yang terdesentralisasi dengan infrastruktur Vodi App yang sudah sukses.

Kami akan terus memperbarui komunitas di sepanjang jalan dengan semua perkembangan di masa depan. Anda dapat mengikuti melalui Saluran Telegram Resmi kami dan Tautan Media Sosial Di Bawah Ini!
Unduh Vodi Sekarang:


Anita Muy

Profil Bitcointalk:;u=2253966

ETH: 0xc8a9952dEc2a392fa15455F565849d2D2827BD67

Vodi X : Dapatkan 120 VDX Token Senilai $12 GRATIS

Vodi X adalah ekosistem e-commerce terdesentralisasi yang memanfaatkan teknologi blockchain dan kontrak pintar. Ini akan dilakukan dalam dua fase, yang terdiri dari ekosistem Vodi Micro-task dan Vodi desentralisasi App (dApp). Microtask akan membuka peluang pendapatan untuk semua pengguna Vodi. Ekosistem dApp akan memungkinkan dApps dan aplikasi lain, termasuk aplikasi Vodi yang ada, untuk dihubungkan ke Vodi X; menikmati akses ke 4,5+ juta pengguna Vodi yang ada


Vodi merupakan aplikasi layanan keuangan yang menawarkan produk seperti isi ulang pulsa prabayar, dan Kartu eGift dengan alat komunikasi yang kuat.
Vodi telah sukses memenangkan penghargaan sebagai platform ponsel all-in-one yang luar biasa dengan 4,5+ juta user di lebih dari 200 negara dan menandai ekosistemnya dengan meluncurkan Vodi X. Vodi X melengkapi platform Vodi yang sudah ada sebelumnya dengan menggunakan teknologi blockchain.

Cara-cara mendapatkan 120 VDX Token senilai $12 GRATIS, yaitu:

  • Kunjungi halaman BOUNTY VODIX DISINI
  • Masukkan Alamat email Anda 
  • Lengkapi task yang tersedia seperti follow, like, subscribe dll untuk mendapatkan token VDX
  • Anda akan mendapatkan hingga 120 VDX token dengan menyelesaikannya
  • Selain itu ada tambahan 10 VDX untuk tiap reff


Program Hadiah Vodi X Telah Berakhir

Program Bounty kami telah berakhir dan kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua yang telah berpartisipasi!
Peserta akan menerima email dengan instruksi terperinci tentang cara mengklaim VDX mereka pada akhir Juli. VDX akan didistribusikan ke Dompet Vodi X pada pertengahan Agustus.
Catatan: KYC akan diperlukan untuk mengklaim VDX. Rincian lebih lanjut akan mengikuti di email.

Pengembangan masa depan

Pengembangan masa depan
Kami memiliki rencana besar untuk masa depan dengan Fase 1 dan Fase 2dari pengembangan kami.
Lihat Buku Putih kami untuk ikhtisar lebih detail:

Dompet Vodi X

Vodi X Wallet akan diimplementasikan dan dioperasikan pada pertengahan Agustus dan akan memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengirim, menerima, dan mengkonversi VDX menjadi Vodi Points.

Fase 1: Vodi-Microtask

Dalam beberapa bulan mendatang, akan ada penekanan besar pada pengembangan tugas Mikro Vodi kami.
Saat ini, di aplikasi Vodi, pengguna dapat menyelesaikan tugas untuk Vodi Points (bukan VDX). Mereka dapat menggunakan titik-titik ini untuk berinteraksi dengan banyak layanan kami dalam aplikasi Vodi. Ini mencakup semuanya mulai dari isi ulang seluler, kartu eGift, paket panggilan jarak jauh, dan banyak lagi.
Peluang penghasilan saat ini akan sangat berkembang dalam beberapa minggu ke depan.
Setelah kami menerapkan peluang baru ini, kami akan fokus pada transisi pendapatan ke blockchain seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Q2 2020 dengan peluncuran resmi Vodi Micro-Task pada Q1 2020.

Fase 2: Vodi dApp

Di sini, di Vodi X, kami percaya akan menambah nilai bagi pengembang kami dengan Vodi dApp . Pengembang akan mengalami pembayaran real-time serta kemampuan untuk menghubungkan aplikasi yang terdesentralisasi dengan infrastruktur Vodi App yang sudah sukses.

Kami akan terus memperbarui komunitas di sepanjang jalan dengan semua perkembangan di masa depan. Anda dapat mengikuti melalui Saluran Telegram Resmi kami dan Tautan Media Sosial Di Bawah Ini!
Unduh Vodi Sekarang:


Anita Muy

Profil Bitcointalk:;u=2253966

ETH: 0xc8a9952dEc2a392fa15455F565849d2D2827BD67

AFCE – Instant and Secure Trading

Get paid to share your links!

AFCE is an authentic, centralized exchange of African cryptocurrency with African culture and background. African Coin Exchange is aimed to transform the way bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are treated throughout Africa. African Coin Exchange provides a trading platform/exchange to convert Fiat currencies into the most popular cryptocurrencies.
Africa has become a global focal point recently, with many venture capital firms scrambling for a piece of the fast-developing continent. According to a report by the World Economic Forum, Africa is the second-fastest growing region globally, only behind South Asia. It also has the world’s fastest growing economy in Ethiopia, with Tanzania and Djibouti also being in the top ten globally. African tech startups raised $725 million in 2018 according to one report, with Nigeria, South Africa and Kenya leading the pack respectively.
Now, the number of cryptocurrencies and exchange platforms are increasing each year. Currently, there are 190 exchanges, compared to 70 exchanges three years ago, on 15 March, 2015. Demand to buy and sell is also growing as the number of cryptocurrencies and trading platforms increase.
Aims to change the way bitcoin is shared with other cryptocurrency that is treated throughout Africa. Although the blockchain is naturally decentralized, Afce has decided to operate a centralized exchange, because that is the only way to protect Fiat's currency (i.e. Rands of South Africa) into cryptocurrency. The South African cryptocurrency trading platform was created to offer detailed analytical charts for investment and cryptocurrency trading.

Afce works to provide the best cryptocurrency exchange rates. So, if you are a trader on an altcoin or a bitcoin trader, African Coin Exchange is your destination to go to the crypto market. this is a crypto currency exchange in Africa that has taken concrete steps about KYC threats and direction for consumers, now cross-border shipping is easy and fast. In addition, we have taken all security measures to provide the best cryptocurrency trading platform. The African Coin Exchange has high liquidity so you can easily buy / sell your bitcoin along with other cryptocurrency instantly.

The African Coin Exchange designs highly scalable trading machines to ensure fast execution of orders with multiple layers of security for the highest level of protection. The African Coin Exchange provides a trading / exchange platform to convert Fiat currencies into the most popular cryptocurrency. This platform is designed and built in such a way as to enable new entrants to the market and experienced traders to trade effectively and easily in a safe and reliable environment. 

Features of the Platform

  • Trading
Fast and scalable trading engine designed that provides real-time execution of orders.
  • Funds Transfer
ACE exchange is a secure platform for funds deposits and withdrawals with 2FA Authentication.
  • Liquidity
Fast and high – volume order execution, access to high liquidity orderbook.
  • Security
ACE provides secure trading by allowing users to activate Two Factor Authentication and Google Authenticator.
  • Referral Program
With referral program users on exchange can refer the ACE platform to their friends and get paid in return with referral commission.
  • Margin Trading
Automatic funds borrowing with 1:2 and 1:3 leverages.
Secure and Robust Trading | African Coin Exchange
This South African cryptocurrency exchange is designed to provide detailed analytical charts for cryptocurrency trading and investments. We have developed a highly secured multisig wallet to store bitcoins, altcoins, litecoin, ripple, ERC20 tokens and other updated ether token versions. We are working to provide you the best cryptocurrency exchange market rates.


Sign up
Create your account within minutes
Complete profile and unlock buy / sell limits
Start trading
Start to buy and sell

Difference Between Centralized, Decentralized And Hybrid Exchange

Recently, African Coin Exchange is launched which is based on centralized exchange model. Here trades are quick & users can directly trade between bitcoin & other cryptocurrencies to South African Rands. So, it’s a good news for the people in South Africa as there is no need to get their ZA converted into USD/BTC to trade. And the best part of this exchange is its security. Customers can really rely on the wallet security implemented by African Coin Exchange. Help us to make this exchange popular & claim your exciting rewards in return.
For more information, please visit:

Anita Muy

Profil Bitcointalk:;u=2253966

ETH: 0xc8a9952dEc2a392fa15455F565849d2D2827BD67

African Coin Exchange

About AFCE Platform

African Coin Exchange is aimed to alter the manner bitcoin along with other cryptocurrencies treated throughout Africa. Though blockchain is decentralized by nature, we have decided to operate a centralized exchange, as that is the only way to covert Fiat currencies (i.e. South African Rands) to cryptocurrencies.
This South African cryptocurrency trading platform was made to offer detailed analytical graphs for cryptocurrency investments and trading. We are working to provide the best cryptocurrency exchange market rates. So, if you’re an trader in altcoins or a bitcoin trader, African Coin Exchange is your go-to crypto-marketplace.
We are the cryptocurrency exchange in Africa who have obtained a real step on threat and KYC direction for consumers, now cross border remittance are easy and fast. Additionally, we have taken all of the security measures to provide the best cryptocurrency trading platform. African Coin Exchange have high liquidity so you can readily buy/sell your bitcoin along with other cryptocurrencies instantly.


1. Trade 
A fast and measurable trading engine designed that provides real-time order execution. 

2. ACE Exchange Transfer Funds is a secure platform for depositing and withdrawing funds with 2FA Authentication.

3. Liquidity 
Fast order execution and high volume, access to high liquidity orderbooks. 

4. Security 
ACE provides secure trading by allowing users to enable Two-Factor Authentication and Google Authenticator. 

5. Referral Program 
With a referral program, users who make exchanges can refer to the ACE platform to their friends and get paid in return for referral commissions. 

6. Margin Trading 
Automatic loan funds with leverage 1: 2 and 1: 3. Immediately coming. 


1. Register 
The first thing you have to do is create your account in a few minutes 

2. Profile 
then Complete your profile and open the buy / sell limit

3. Start Trading 
Complete your profile and open the 

African Coin Exchange buy / sell limit launched on March 29, 2019. There is a launch prize program for early users on the Afce platform. 


Sign up
Create your account within minutes
Complete profile and unlock buy / sell limits
Start trading
Start to buy and sell

Difference Between Centralized, Decentralized And Hybrid Exchange

Recently, African Coin Exchange is launched which is based on centralized exchange model. Here trades are quick & users can directly trade between bitcoin & other cryptocurrencies to South African Rands. So, it’s a good news for the people in South Africa as there is no need to get their ZA converted into USD/BTC to trade. And the best part of this exchange is its security. Customers can really rely on the wallet security implemented by African Coin Exchange. Help us to make this exchange popular & claim your exciting rewards in return.

Best Bitcoin Investment Strategy | African Coin Exchange

African Coin Exchange provides a trading platform/exchange to convert Fiat currencies into the most popular cryptocurrencies. The platform is designed and built in such a way as to allow both new entrants into the market and experienced traders to trade effectively and easily in a safe and reliable environment.

Ethereum Exchange in South Africa | African Coin Exchange

This South African cryptocurrency exchange is designed to provide detailed analytical charts for cryptocurrency trading and investments. We have developed a highly secured multisig wallet to store bitcoins, altcoins, litecoin, ripple, ERC20 tokens and other updated ether token versions. We are working to provide you the best cryptocurrency exchange market rates.


Sign up — Create your account within minutes

Log In After Verify your email address


Profile — Complete profile and unlock buy / sell limits

Start trading — Start to buy and sell

We are in the development of an exciting new App to suit your every need. We are developing exciting Apps for iOS and Android that will provide top security and ease of use,

So is die African Coin Exchange Article (AFCE)

Dit is al die African Coin Exchange (AFCE) -artikel hierdie keer, hopelik kan dit jou almal bevoordeel. Goed, sien jou in ‘n ander artikelpos.

Anita Muy

Profil Bitcointalk:;u=2253966

ETH: 0xc8a9952dEc2a392fa15455F565849d2D2827BD67